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A member registered Oct 26, 2019

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Thank you very much for your response I am looking forward to chapter 4! (I haven't played a game i was this enthused about in a while!)

(2 edits)

If I already have the game via the Racial justice bundle is there any way to get chapter 3? because it doesn't appear to be included or would i have to buy the whole game again? (The RJ Bundle did not give steam keys so I do not have it on steam) But I would like to finish it :/  (Actually Update I was under the impression that what i had finished was only up to the end of chapter 2 but apparently the casino was chapter 3 so Maybe I'm not missing as much as I thought?)

Hey is there any way to actually finish the find mom quest? I know there is three endings but it seems like finding mom might be decent since its nagging st me lol.